Discover Proven Mental Toughness Strategies To Improve Your Football Game And Performance Consistency
Learn practical, proven mental game strategies to improve your football performance in games. Get expert football psychology coaching from top mental coaches.

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Get Expert Mental Coaching
Learn the secrets to perform like a champion with one-on-one mental game coaching or team seminars. Learn proven mental strategies for mental toughness in football.
The Mental Edge for Football
In this program, you’ll learn the top eight mental game lessons for football players – the same strategies we teach to one-on-one athletes we coach on the mental game.
Football Psychology Articles
Read football psychology articles to improve your mental game. Discover the mental strategies pros use to have stable confidence, stay focused, and composure.

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Improve Your Mindset for Games
You learn proven and simple mental game strategies so you can overcome fear of failure, lack of confidence, or poor composure, take your practice game to competition, and boost your confidence in football. Get the report at

“Dr. Cohn, I can definitely tell my mental state has improved from before we started working. I’m feeling great mentally and playing well in practice. I will definitely stay in touch.”
~Kevin Davidson, Collegiate Quarterback

“After using your pre-kick routine, I was perfect on three field goals on a muddy field and a windy day in my final college game. Now I am entertaining the idea of trying to enter the professional ranks. Thank you for your help!”
~Nate Littlefield, Collegiate Kicker
Football Psychology Articles
The Qualities of Being a Team Player in Football
Would you consider yourself an A-plus teammate? Most football players on a team would consider themselves good teammates. If you ask them why they believe they…
Read Football Article>> The Qualities of Being a Team Player in Football
Coping With Adversity in Football
How to Stay Mentally Tough in Football Most athletes pay no attention to purposefully training their minds. Instead, these athletes leave their mental response to chance.…
The Mindset for Readiness in Sports
How to be Ready to Compete Do you stay sharp when you are on the sidelines and not playing? In other words, are you mentally ready,…
How to Deal with External Noise
Managing Negativity From Others What are the main distractions that affect your performance? In what competitive situations do you find focusing more difficult? Distractions can be…
Becoming a Student of the Game
Playing as Simple as Possible What does “being a student” of the game mean? How does that mindset enhance athletic performance? Being a student of the…
How to Overcome Costly Mistakes
Maintain the Level of Your Confidence What effects do game-ending mistakes have on your confidence? For most young athletes, losing is difficult, but making a costly…